Wednesday, December 19, 2007

What is the Real Connection?

During 9/11, Emotions were stired into a pot of hatetred because of the twin towers falling. There was no "collaborative relationship" between Iraq and al Qaeda, challenging one of the Bush administration's main justifications for the war in Iraq. Within the detailing of supposed connection,Bush and his aides argued that their previous assertions about the ties between Iraq and the terrorist organization were justified by the contacts that occurred. There addministation sadi that Bush and his aides argued that their previous assertions about the ties between Iraq and the terrorist organization were justified by the contacts that occurred. Bush, in 2003, said "the battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror that began on September the 11th, 2001."

Beyond the Sept. 11 attacks, administration officials have also suggested that there had been cooperation between Iraq and al Qaeda that went beyond contacts. Bush last year called Hussein "an ally of al Qaeda." Cheney said Hussein "had long-established ties with al Qaeda."
In January, Cheney said the "best source" of information on the subject was an article in the Weekly Standard, which reported: "Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein had an operational relationship from the early 1990s to 2003 that involved training in explosives and weapons of mass destruction, logistical support for terrorist attacks, al Qaeda training camps and safe haven in Iraq, and Iraqi financial support for al Qaeda -- perhaps even for Mohamed Atta -- according to a top secret U.S. government source.

Osama might of had money aiding into the attacking but did not have any direct connection within the acts of it.

But the question i want to know is there any reason why should we go into iraq and kill the hundreds of "Iraqi" innocents?.

Is There Any Sense Left?

If you are to believe that this man that is shown here in this picture has any sense then i feel your a defendder of stupidity. Dont get me wrong, hes the president of the United States of America but not just I feel that he makes too many "wrong" decisions as president. In order to understand how people make decisions,it is first important to understand how we approach decision-making.the way we approach decision-making varies significantly depending on our individual decision-making styles as well as on the circumstances. There are 2 ways onto making decisions."Maximizers" and "Satisficers".A maximizer sees decision-making as the process of finding the one best possible option. The maximizer has to see and compare every alternative, and this quest for an exhaustive review of options dominates the experience. The maximizer’s greatest concern is missing out on a better option that might be just around the corner. The satisificer on the other hand looks for a choice that is good enough. Satisficers do not have low expectations—rather they accept that there is more than one option that will satisfy them. Once the satisficer finds an option that meets their initial standards they are content to conclude their search, whereas the maximizer has to continue looking for the best of all the options, establishing new criteria as they go. The satisficing mentality can be summed up by a quote from designer Milton Glaser, “Less isn’t more, just enough is more.” President bush seems to me, a person who trys to find out the a logical way to have his way. We use our past experiences to counteract what decisions that we will make.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Can you take it serious?
When I first saw this picture it did not take me by surprize. Actually I laugh a little because thats classic act of no trust in your gouvernment.I think, as with anyone else, the government should be trusted until proven untrustworthy. I feel the people (as a whole) shouldn't have to stand for anything they disagree with in the government. It's my opinion, credit it however you wish, that it's the responsibility of the populace to revolutionize their government/world when it behaves questionably. For example, the people of Iraq, IF they truly feel they are wronged in any way, it should up to them to set their government straight. Sure, it can be a long and bloody process, but that's how the American Revolution was and look at the end result! A government is not going to just kill all of its people to continue because the government is made up by people. Not only is it total genocide, but it's complete SUICIDE for them to do so.

Monday, December 10, 2007

When i took on the responsibility of sampling this picture it took me by surprise. At first I was confused...... i didn't know weather "Kerry" was being two-faced or weather hes just as confused about his campaign. I personally feel that bush is playing stupid in this war and so are the rest of the nation. If Our "leaders" continue to lie to us about the reall deal situations then we will no longer have any strong sense of nationalism. This War is a chess game and every one is playing for a stalemate......thats just how i feel.................

Monday, October 29, 2007

How do you feel about the war on terrorism? I feel that the war is a bunch of “he did this and they did that". Ever since the main stream idea of the war, it’s been nothing but propaganda from both sides. Bush would give speeches about how we should stop attacks like 9/11 from happening again. The picture depicts a perfect sense of "cocky-ness" that bush gives off. There are more "moral" aspects of "American" life than it is to supply a deadly war that has broken up familys, killed fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, grandchildren. When the discussion of health care, gun control, moral leadership,cicil liberties and due process come to appear all that matters to bush is his own problems.

We belived for the gold but all we got was death"
...............................Theres not really much to say about this pic but to only say " Are you serious". In my opinion muslims and christians are infinitely apart in their way of thinking and understanding. There can and never will be a compromise when either side is of the belief that they have the one and only true God. Sadly, the muslims are at a stalemate within their own kingdom; they are not allowed to question the validity of power. Without question there can be no answers - "so better to keep the sheep blind during their journey so none of them will be frieghtened to jump the rails along the way to the slaughter house".What must the One and Only True God think of all of us for our propogating ideas, opinions, disbelief, lawlessness and discriminations? In the very instance God is supposed to be LOVE and FORGIVENESS. But the God I see being portrayed in recent times by the media, Christians, Jews and Muslims is one who condones unruliness, slander, slaughter, corruption and mastery. Its there is no mention anywhere in the Quran of the actual number of virgins available in paradise, and second, the dark-eyed damsels are available for all Muslims, not just martyrs. It is in the Islamic Traditions that we find the 72 virgins in heaven specified: in a Hadith (Islamic Tradition) collected by Al-Tirmidhi (died 892 AD) in the Book of Sunan (volume IV, chapters on The Features of Paradise as described by the Messenger of Allah [Prophet Muhammad], chapter 21, About the Smallest Reward for the People of Paradise, (Hadith 2687). The same hadith is also quoted by Ibn Kathir (died 1373 CE ) in his Quranic commentary (Tafsir) of Surah Al-Rahman (55), verse 72.So if your gonna put yourself in a religion, be sure you belive in it!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bis Metrowic drawing from Keine Zeitung shown in Helsingin Sanomat
an excerpt from Krista's entry at The European Union tribe (
Some of the Pro's for Turkey joining the EU
-Europe has an aging population so Turkey could bring in a young workforce which would benefit Europe and bring new skills into the EU. -The Turkish market and geological advantages could give a big opportunity to Europe with ties to trades/sales in the Middle east and Asian markets. -Security such as the military force. To be allied with a peaceful ("secular") Muslim country could be an advantage when it comes to dealing with negative Muslim groups.
Some of the Con's of Turkey joining the EU
-Turkey could become the Trojan horse of the USA in Europe -Turkish economy will need more help to be on the same level as the other EU countries so the EU will have to pay the balance. -Turkish labor forces are not always welcome in other countries because of the competition or the citizens of the other countries already have the advantage. -EU countries in general have Christian values so to bring Muslim values in could possibly lead to some conflicts. -Eastern Turkish culture could look negative on the Western (European) culture.
These are some Pros and Cons for how Turkey could benefit from the EU.
-Turkey will have a secure and large market for her own labor force. -More stable government because of the strict EU regulations. -It could bring in more European contriubuters and open the door to more investments in the Turkish market.
-Losing "her" own freedom of self-government (cultural, social, political, etc) -EU is not willing to accept Turkish labor soon (before 2020-2025) so Turkey would be giving their advantages before getting any.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

where do you stand with the enviornment?

Where do you stand with the environment? Well i feel that the enironment is the the most important thing in the world. Due to the fact that the world is going to some day end, why do we treat it like its going to end forever. Global warming is the causeing factor of this blog. Have you ever seen the film "Inconvienint Truth"?. Well basically its the "bible" to environmentalist. (lol).
Al Gore is the front runner for the topic trying to get across the world that the world is in need and we have to contribute. If you havent seen it by now........... were in a luke warm pot slowly but surely dying.