Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Is There Any Sense Left?

If you are to believe that this man that is shown here in this picture has any sense then i feel your a defendder of stupidity. Dont get me wrong, hes the president of the United States of America but not just I feel that he makes too many "wrong" decisions as president. In order to understand how people make decisions,it is first important to understand how we approach decision-making.the way we approach decision-making varies significantly depending on our individual decision-making styles as well as on the circumstances. There are 2 ways onto making decisions."Maximizers" and "Satisficers".A maximizer sees decision-making as the process of finding the one best possible option. The maximizer has to see and compare every alternative, and this quest for an exhaustive review of options dominates the experience. The maximizer’s greatest concern is missing out on a better option that might be just around the corner. The satisificer on the other hand looks for a choice that is good enough. Satisficers do not have low expectations—rather they accept that there is more than one option that will satisfy them. Once the satisficer finds an option that meets their initial standards they are content to conclude their search, whereas the maximizer has to continue looking for the best of all the options, establishing new criteria as they go. The satisficing mentality can be summed up by a quote from designer Milton Glaser, “Less isn’t more, just enough is more.” President bush seems to me, a person who trys to find out the a logical way to have his way. We use our past experiences to counteract what decisions that we will make.

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